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Русская рулетка: Вторжение в Украину

Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Twenty)
As Crimea becomes part of Russia, tensions continue to rise in Ukraine and demonstrators attempt to break into parliament in Kiev. VICE News' Simon Ostrovsky joins the protesters in Independence Square as they fight for a change in their government.

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Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Nineteen)

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Earlier this week, Ukraine's government finally grasped reality and ordered its troops out of Crimea. But by the time of the evacuation order, Russia's military had already started booting Ukrainian troops from their bases or getting them to switch sides. VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky met with Ukrainian Marines in Feodosia as they decided whether to remain loyal to their country or break their oath of allegiance to stay with their families in Crimea.

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Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Eighteen)

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Despite overwhelming support within Crimea to join the Russian Federation, Ukrainian forces refused to give up their naval and airbases to the Russians last week. In this dispatch, VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky visits the Belbek airbase, which was being overrun by Cossacks and members of Russian forces, who believe they had liberated Crimea — though local forces don't seem to agree.

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Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Seventeen)

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In the aftermath of the referendum in which 97% percent of the Crimean population supposedly voted to join the Russian federation, VICE News' Simon Ostrovsky returns to the Ukrainian Naval headquarters in Sevastopol, after self defense forces stormed the premises and took over the base.

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Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Sixteen)

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The day after Crimea's controversial referendum, in which 97 percent of the peninsula's population supposedly voted to join the Russian Federation, Ukraine's newly-formed National Guard began training in anticipation of further Russian aggression.

Against the backdrop of exploding RPGs, the crackling of heavy machine guns, and the rumbling cannons of the BTRs, Ukrainian officials and the international media got a first look at the ragtag civilian force that could be on the front lines of the new cold war.

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